Ambitious Scouts gain support for expansion

Newmarket 2nd Scouts group receives Newmarket Charitable Foundation donation.

The 2nd Newmarket Scouts group have big ambitions for the next couple of years. They aspire to reach a membership of 80-90 local children across Beavers, Cubs and Scouts, plus develop a new group called ‘Squirrels’, which aimed at 4-6 year olds.  

Newmarket Charitable Foundation were obviously delighted to be able to contribute toward this project and support children enjoy the experiences and skills learnt throughout their time in the various Scout groups.

The donation will form be part of a wider fund-raising campaign which will be used for specific support including equipment for the children to use in their scouting sessions, to help support children with the work they do towards their various badges and to support families by helping keep the cost of joining and participating down.

Trustees, Laraine Moody​ and James Crowhurst were delighted to make the presentation to scout leader, Alex Stokes. The presentation was made at Newmarket Fire Station. For more information on the group, click here.

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