Newmarket Charitable Foundation donated £1,500 to Newmarket Day Centre to support their planned day trip to the seaside this summer.
Veronica Fixe, Manager at the Day Centre said: “With thanks to support from the Newmarket Charitable Foundation, the Day Centre are planning a day trip to the seaside (Felixstowe) later in the Summer. This trip is for some of our homebound clients, as well as our clients that attend the centre. Our elderly community have fond memories of the beach, but have limited accessibility. The seaside is always a relaxing experience for people of all ages, but for our elderly clients this is a top day out – freshly made doughnuts, an ice cream on the pier, a Fish and Chips supper … what’s not to like?”
Those taking part in the trip will be supported by their carer teams and NDC staff.
NCF Trustees Nick Patton and Director, Dave Hall were delighted to make the presentation on behalf of the Charity.
In the image: NDC Aidan Walmsley, NDC Caroline Sykes, NCF Trustees Nick Patton & Dave Hall, NDC Kirsti Dare.