School benefits from new technology

NCF Director Dave Hall hears how new technology will benefit Newmarket pupils

Newmarket Charitable Foundation (NCF) Director Dave Hall recently visited All Saints’ CE Primary School and listened to Year 6 pupils explain how valuable NCF donation towards computing equipment will mean for their learning.

Barbara Rodel, Headteacher at All Saints’ CE Primary School said: “Owing to the current economic climate the school has a budget deficit and no means to upgrade the very old computing infrastructure and equipment.

The school’s current computing equipment is at the very end of its life. We urgently need new laptops, a trolley and to replace first generation classroom Smartboards.

The whole school as a community will benefit from the new technology. It will greatly improve access to cultural capital and improve academic outcomes for the poorest in the local community.”

Dave was delighted to hand Barbara a cheque for £2,500 on behalf of Newmarket Charitable Foundation to put towards their fundraising efforts.

In the image: Joshua, NCF Director Dave Hall, Laila, Aleena, Harry and Barbara Rodel (Headteacher)

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