The Newmarket Charitable Foundation team recently joined forces with Run Newmarket for our annual Christmas Dash. The Dash was kindly supported by The Jockey Club Newmarket and they provided two fabulous routes for the run alongside Newmarket Gallops.
The Christmas Dash is one of our popular volunteer-led events run for the community. This year, volunteers, Lindsay Devin and Michelle Kerr kindly organised this family-focused run for Newmarket Charitable Foundation. The Dash was free to enter, but a number of donations were kindly made to the Charity along the way.

Complimentary mince pies were on offer to all those attending and a warm, dry space was offered by the Newmarket SOS bus. Phils Snack’s kindly offered hot and cold drinks and snacks and can be found regularly on Moulton Road, alongside the gallops.
For further details of our community focused and fund-raising events, go to our Events page.